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Advice pls new to this

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Hi all , just after some advice or tips.

sw200p out of the box and set up, moon no probs , Orion neb no probs took 58 subs and not bad for first go (eos450) bit of LP, but no other Messier to be seen at all.

Would realy love to see and take pics of M31 & M77 i know where they are and point the scope there but cant see anything even with 70 - 80 pics taken any ideas or am i trying to run before i can walk ?

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I am new to astonomy also and i think the best advice is for you to concentrate on visual viewing to start with, learning the stars etc, otherwise you will get bored because 1. you cannot find anything and 2. your photo's are poor quality, get some good books, star maps etc (Turn left at orion - good book, stellarium - good software, planishere - handy when in the field) this will not only wet your appetite but you will start to gain the knowledge of where, when and what you want to see.

No one is saying you have to learn it all at once, but i have found that it makes it more enjoyable when i look up and can find my way around a little bit better. Another good book for the novice is "The backyard Astronomer's Guide - 3rd Edition" as this covers astrophotography too, not in-depth but enough for you to know what you want out of the hobby.

Good luck and get reading dude....

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thanks for the help and advice, just need clear skys now and a waggon to run into them street lights would be good....... turn left at Orion orded ! here monday

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Nice one peewee, i am sure once you get reading that book, you will start to find the hobby has a new lease of life and there is nothing more gratifying than you being able to point to constellatios etc and tell non-astronomers what that is.

But it all takes time, take things slowly, learning one thing at a time and then you will find it more enjoyable, i only know this as i have just started out and i wanted to know and do everything within a week or two, after reading loads of posts i soon realised that this is not a quick fix hobby to get in to, so i had 2 choices 1. buy books, ask questions and take my time or 2. find another hobby.

Astronomy intrigues me as what lies out there is a mystery and i want to be part of that, so i have a small but concise set of books and spend all my spare time reading and because the skies are mostly clouded out, that's a lot of reading.


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