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Pentax ist dl camera

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Hi All,

I have been given a pentax camera by a freinf from work but what else do i need to fit it to my scope, I have seen T mounts but have seen T mounts which needs adapters, Also what settings should the camera be set at to take decent pics and do I take just one pic or a succesion of pics then use a stacking program to make them better.

Lots of questions but I hope you can help.


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you will need a t mount and t trings to fit your camera. to take pics of the moon there is no need to stack, planetary pics are better taken with a webcam and for deep space photo's you will need a motor for tracking and some stacking software, can I suggest you get this book first before spending any more money Books - Making Every Photon Count - Steve Richards it gives a very good overview and practical advice for those staring out in deep space photography it lists the equipment you will need and links to some of the free software. it nmay even save you a little money by stopping you buying unnecessary equipment.

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