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Buying advice

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I've decided want a better scope than the travel scope I've got.

I've read a lot of good things about the skywatcher skymax 127 synscan goto telescope.

Anybody have any experience of these?

Also can anybody recommend any decent retailers?

My budget is max £400. Are there any other scopes I should have a look at before I buy?

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I'm sure the 127 mak is a great little scope. You could do what I did and wait until you have access to the Buy & Sell section and see what comes up. I've managed to get a SC6 SCT and EQ5 mount and a couple of TV eyepieces (Nagler 11mm and 2xBarlow) for less than your whole budget. All in all about £1000 worth of kit for under £400. Well worth the months wait!

Maybe try a local astro club and try out a few of the members scopes first.

The SC6 is a very nice little scope indeed - I'd recommend it!


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What brand is the sc6? Model numbers mean nothing to me at this stage.

Spoke to a bloke at a store and he said this scope is best suited to planets and not deeper space messier stuff. I'm in doubt again now.

I just want the best all rounder for my dosh.

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I just want the best all rounder for my dosh.

But that is a very personal point of view. What suits me, might not suit you. If you are intending to simply do visual observing, and want something to find the objects for you, then yes the 127 goto will fit the bill. It's also portable, so you can easily put it into the car and drive to nice dark locations if you are town / city based.

However if you intend to do imaging then the scope has it's limitations, which can be overcome with a wedge, which may be an additional option. You'll also find that with it's long focal length the 127 is more suited to planetary work rather than deep sky objects, again, something to take on board if you end up going down the imaging route.

For £400 you have lots of options... if you don't intend to be mobile, then take a look at the Explorer 150P or even the 200P on a EQ-5 mount. OK you have an additional cost if you want to drive the scope, and if you want goto then you are looking at £700 for the 200P EQ-5 goto, but these are all options that are worth exploring.

best advice would be to visit a large retailer and compare scopes that are in your budget. Have them demonstrated, as sometimes the sound of the drives might make you think twice about a particular scope (it did for me)

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The SC6 is basically a 150mm SCT made by Celestron - slightly bigger aperture than the 127 Mak (plus a few other minor differences)

I agree with Malcolm, a scope is a very personal thing and there is not one scope that does everything well - try a few out either in store or at a local astronomy group to get an idea of what you really want.


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