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ISS and Discovery 26/2/11

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The two craft were close to docking at the time of tonight's pass so they weren't visible as two separate points of light to the naked eye.

The below image was taken through a SW 200p Dob with a Morgans SPC880 webcam in the focuser, no barlow used and tracked manually.

Shutter speed - 1/1500s

Gain - 70-ish

Gamma and Brightness - left as they were

FPS - 5

Focus is off again, I can never seem to get good focus using a webcam. I think an IR cut filter might be good to use to cut down on star bloating.

This is the best frame I could get which clearly shows the main station on the right and the approaching shuttle of the left. There is some structure visible on the station in places but not much because of bad focusing. There is a hint of shape to the shuttle as well.

Not bad for a 30 odd metre craft at a distance of 550km!!!


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