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Astronomy Class Project

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Hello Folks!

Almost 900 people viewed my post on Join My Astronomy Class, and well over 200 downloaded the set of 12 labs and activities. That's tremendous! :)

It seemed to me as if there was lots of interest here in doing some real science with all of our gear! Not that looking through the eyepiece isn't wonderful and all, but the more you know, the richer your experience at the eyepiece will be!

I was thinking of setting a "class project" with a download here, then doing a short lecture and posting it on the web (YouTube???) for people to view. You get the materials, 'attend' the lecture, try out the project, then submit your results here for everyone to share. If you have questions or problems, you can also submit them here. (Bonus points if you can stump the Professor! :mad: )

Yes, Virginia, there will be math involved - but I will hold your hand :eek: and do my best to keep all the evil Calculus Creatures and Dread Derivatives at bay! :rolleyes: However, the Algebraic Gorillas, and Trigonometric Tarantulas, you must wrestle with, I'm afraid! (How will you ever get stronger if you don't???) Seriously, my specialty is helping folks along through the rough bits so they can appreciate the greater majesty of Astronomy and Physics.

For a first project, I had in mind either using the rising full Moon to time the Earth's rotation [i wrote this one with some help from Owen Gingrich at Harvard Ctr. for Astrophysics], or a nifty project predicting the next maximum elongation of Venus from John Clark's new book: Measure Solar System Objects and Their Movements for Yourself.

This would be a significant venture for me, filming the lectures, answering the queries and all, but I would be interested in trying it if there was enough interest in seeing it through. People who sit on the sidelines are fine, but this is Real Science, and as I say on the back of all my books, Science is a Verb! :)

Any takers???


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Yeah I'm willing to give this a try, weather and real life things permitting. Sounds cool and might actually get my brain working again, I know my job doesn't do that. :rolleyes:

The only thing I am concerned about Dan is the fact you've got your own classes already, your own real life. I wouldn't want you to burn both end of the candles so to speak.


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