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Cheap scope,pricey e/p?

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Having had only two clear skies-both brief-since buying a Celestron 130EQ,I have done most of my gazing online.I have concluded that-1) my celestron is a quite acceptable 5" scope with **** eyepieces and dodgy mount - 2 ) a Televue type quality eyepiece would enhance it's performance no end -3) A telrad would help me FIND something-when there is something to be found between the banks of cumulonimbus. I guess a Barlow would be good too,but I can't suss what constitutes a decent one as yet.All these added goodies would be transferable to the 8" reflector I aspire too, once Georgie Porgy Osbourne has decided that pensioners need more than i/c pads to make life more bearable.Comments from wiseacres please,in words of one syllable and no acronyms.

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