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Basic Imaging on a Astro-master130 ?

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Having read more of this wonderful site I'm now sure that my scope wont allow me and the children to do astro-photography.

Is that TRUE?

It seems that as I read the mounts wrong as its too light with a camera, the scopes wrong as its not big enough, the motor drives too weak etc etc etc.

As a beginner and teaching two children at the same time is there any reason why I can just fit a T-ring and adapter up the the eye piece, hold the camera and take a picture of the planet were observing?

Do we need a stacking program to start with on a 30 second exposure?

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i have the same scope. true the tripod/mount is flimsy'ish but i love it.(my first scope) i have taken some pics of the moon yet to put the motor drive on it to test but its a start into ap

as for the weight of the camera have you tried unscrewing the clips that hold the scope in the 2 rings that attach to the dovetail(not sure of the correct terminology). so that the eyepiece if facing straight up so not to put too much weight on one side of the scope when camera is attached .

but i have only just started and use webcam so maybe someone else will answer more clearly. or you could try doing a search for a tutorial on utube (for setting up scope and balancing it)

sorry i couldn't help more


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