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The dreaded NEQ6 elevation screws!


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I am happy with my NEQ6 but am still contemplating doing a total ball bearing mod to be on the safe side. I have found the bearings at a local store, even though the two large ones were not SKF (Swedish Ball Bearing Factory - Svenska kullagerfabriken, must be the best, right?).

The one thing that really gets me, though, is the altitude adjustment screws. Or, rather, the tab that they push on inside the mount. When passing 56° of latitude, one of them will actually slide off the tab and wedge itself there.

My guess is that I have to take the mount apart and grind down the tab, then add a steel piece at the bottom, slightly longer than the original tab, thus extending it a few millimeters as well as strengthening it.

I live at 59°N plus some and it is a total pain to get the polar axis aligned under these circumstances.

Any thoughts? All input is appreciated.

...longing for a clear night now that the Bahtinov mask has arrived...

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I've added some 1.5mm steel tabs to the bottom of mine when u stripped it down. Unfortunately I'm on tapatallk at work and can't access the photos, but if you search for my hypertune thread they should be there.

PM astrobaby re the Teflon spacers....I believe she may have a set spare.

Oh and check out RS components for the bearings....I found them to be cheaper than elsewhere.

Hope that helps & Good luck


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PS I'd get in touch with John Rose at Astrodevelopments for replacement screws....they really do make a difference.

PPS I have some stainless steel plate off cuts in 1.5 & 2.0mm if you're interested PM me.

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