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beginner with spc900. start on the moon?

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well i did and my first image has noise! ?

i simply grabed 10secs in sharpcap and then extract 1 single frame to jpeg in k3ccdtools.

so is it webcam settings that need righting or some processes?

it would appear at first that reducing gamma,exposure,gain or brightness give space a un or less noisey black but it also darkens the moon pic possibly too much.

so is there a ideal set of webcam settings?

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You need to load the whole .avi into something like Registax or Avistack. Both are free. They will stack all your images for you (thus reducing noise). You can take quite long .avi's with the Moon - maybe 90sec or 2 mins at 10fps gives 900-1200 frames - you only have 100 frames at best for a 10sec .avi

To set the webcam put the gain in the middle of its slider and use the exposure control to get the Moon "just a bit dark" on the monitor. Then use the gain control to get things "just right".

Hope this helps.

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