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Motorising a P200

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Hi all,

I'm about to receive a new Explorer 200P on an EQ5 mount. I've been using my daughters SkyWather 76p for looking at the moon/jupiter which has been awesome, and has hit the right notes in the family so far!

So, I'd like to take a few snaps of the moon and guess I need a DSLR mount to make this happen, which seems quite straightforward.

As for motorising the thing to keep further objects in the center, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I would need to get - any help?

Thanks a lot for the great forum, really helpful!

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The least you will need is some motors, look here.

Skywatcher - Dual-Axis D.C. Motor Drive for EQ5

The other option is to buy a goto mount but that will be a bit more expensive.

Putting a 200p on a EQ5 with driver motors might be pushing it to its limit.

Give FLO a ring or harrison telescopes , Rother Valley and they will be able to advice you a bit better than me

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Many thanks for the response.

I'll give FLO a call for sure. The EQ5 GOTO mount is going to be too expensive for the moment. I'd really like to be able to upgrade this in stages, rather than have to plonk down £660 in one go!

When you say that it would be 'pushing it' a bit for the mount, what does that mean? Is it a case that it's all just too heavy, or that the motors wouldn't operate correctly?

Sorry for the newb questions, learning quickly, but there's quite a hill to climb..

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I have to disagree with Pat.. I have the 200P on the EQ-5 goto and it handles the additional weight of a DSLR body fine IMO. Where it might struggle is with the addition of a second guide scope, autoguider etc etc... but then I don't think that is something the OP is considering as he's already indicated his budget won't run to that.

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Sort of... you can't upgrade the EQ to an HEQ, you have to replace it. This is always part of the learning curve when choosing a scope, it's how much you can spend now to get the best scope for your budget. If you got bitten by the imaging bug beyond taking pictures of the moon and planets, then you will find the EQ-5 with the 200P plus all the additional weight of guide scopes, etc a bit too much for the mount, and which you will always find a buyer for a second hand EQ-5, you'll loose money in the long run compared to buying the same tube on an HEQ-5 day one.

You're looking at £755 for a motorised 200P on a HEQ-5 Explorer 200P HEQ5 Mount With Free DVD | Telescopes | Rother Valley Optics

Ironically the tri-pod legs on the EQ-5 are 1.75" tube, where as on the heavier HEQ-5 they are 1.5" diameter ??

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My concern was that the motors might not be able to handle the weight of the 200p

Which is why i said conatct a supplier to check.

I know the EQ5 can handle a 200p..............well i hope so as I have one(EQ5goto and 200pds on order :) )

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It's also a question of balance, but I agree the mass of additional scopes and equipment could have an affect on the drives.

The motors in the EQ drive are quite powerful, and will handle the 200P when set up correctly.

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