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Scopos - Complimentary to your Hyperions

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The 35mm is over 1 kg!!! :D:p

They are (hopefully) improved Orion Stratus EPs of the same focal length, the 2" Orions got mixed reviews 'over the pond'.

EDIT: They are the same as the Orion 70s which superseded the Stratus 2" eyepieces. Looks promising!

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Hi Gaz. Now that my "alternative" is safely in my hands, I can reveal... O.K. ACTUALLY I bought a standard Vixen 30mm/60Deg. At first testing, it seems to be better than the canonical (otherwise laudable) Moonfish offerings. AND the Lanth is of similar weight to my Hyperions! Re. the Scopos's's - We'll have to see. Once the price of eyepieces gets above $175 (given the "exchange rate" and my needs/experience) I begin to fall somewhat by the wayside. :D

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