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Great time at my first Star Party


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So last weekend the Prague Mikro Astro Čaj (that is micro astro tea, so being British I enjoy the combination of Astronomy and tea). I was overwhelmed by all the telescopes crammed into the small room we were occupying, I was also reminded of why a 2" diagonal costs so much as they are massive! There was a workshop for the photographers and also a lecture on black holes which we all attended, though not all understood, ie. me as my czech is not good enough yet. Oh and someone brought a Tesla Coil which was pretty epic.


P1030487 by kreggurree, on Flickr


P1030486 by kreggurree, on Flickr

Even with a telescope this big (500mm Aperture) we couldn't see the stars through the clouds :(


P1030491 by kreggurree, on Flickr

A reminder as to why I don't do astrophotography.

So though there was not a patch of clear sky we did enjoy lots of food on the grill and lots of Czech beer, it was a great experience for me as a foreigner because everyone was friendly and welcoming and so I look forward to more star parties with these guys.

Oh and as a bonus it was a bargain, in total all my expenses were like £6 and I slept on a bed!

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