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Help with Chosing a Barlow

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Hi All,

I've been bitten by the webcam bug, and i'm going to try getting some shots of the planets soon.

So i'm looking for a 3x Barlow and a 5x Barlow (or extension tube for the 3x).

Don't wan't to spend a fortune, but I don't wan't to waste my money by buying cheap and regretting it.

Your advice as allways is welcome.

Thanks in advance

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There is only one choice the Televue 3x Barlow or 5x Powermate.

With anything else you will always be wondering, what if i got a televue....

They do come up on ebay and on the sale forums fairly regularly and if you buy second hand and look after it you should be able to sell it on for similar money if you change direction.


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i have a tal 3x barlow which can be picked up for around £35 new, these are supposed to be good, heavy, i haven`t really given it a run with webcam imaging but they are recommened so that was the reason i bought it, but i have used cheaper 2x barlows and have had good results with them, first was a meade telenegative 146, it worked fairly well, i have bought more expensive ones since but to be honest not noticed alot of differance yet but thr weather has been bad so hoping for better images using them

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