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Yet another newbie!!

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Just like to say hi to everyone and what a valuable info source SGL has been to me over the past month or so.

I am partially sighted and struggle with anything that requires any precision whatsoever! After taking advice from local dealer (Ace Cameres,Bristol) I was advised a goto mak may be the way to go. No columnwhatsit, mirror cleaning etc!

I was pretty clear about expectation, I wanted something better than a fuzzy pea because I get that already!

Last night, it was pretty clear, Jupiter lowish in the sky at around 8pm, didn't use go to but centred target in the scope. Using both 13and 9mm EPs, Jupiter was very bright any clear, but was too small in the FOV for me to make out detail, but the Wife could, though she also hoped the image would be larger.

So, should I use a Barlow, have I bought the wrong scope ( considering my visual disability, or are my expectations unreasonable?


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The scope is probably fine but the eyepieces that come with them are often not up to much. Spend some money on a good quality eyepiece and barlow, but if you can, get your local shop to let you try them first so you can be sure they are suitable.

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Cheers, I think Barlow is the way to go, my Hyperion is far more comfortable than the supplied eps.

I looked at many YouTube videos to see what results people are achieving with the 127 mak. If I can get anywhere near those, I'll be happy, but that was not the case last night.

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