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Sky magnitude test - Naked eye!


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Using the stars in the little plough (UMI) next to the Pole star you can test your skies.

The four stars of the square at the end of the constellation are mag 2 3 4 & 5...

So give it ago using this method.

My skies are 5.5 at best on a dark clear night with no moon so I can see all four. How about you?


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Using the stars in the little plough (UMI) next to the Pole star you can test your skies.

The four stars of the square at the end of the constellation are mag 2 3 4 & 5...

So give it ago using this method.

My skies are 5.5 at best on a dark clear night with no moon so I can see all four. How about you?


If you can blow the clouds away maybe the rest of us can have a try :):D

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