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RegiStax5.1 problem

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Hi all

i have been viewing this site for months now and find it has lots of interesting things being discussed. I have purchased myself a philips

spc880 flashed to spc900, thought i was going to enjoy some lunar imagery but when i took some footage in the house to trial i tried to open the file with registax 5.1 only to have a message appear saying,,,,Failed to open AVI file:CLASSNOTREG ERROR, now i have read that someone else had this error but no fool proof remedy or explanation was given to what could be causing this this.

I captured the images on WXastrocapture and craterlet and issues with both. Windows media player and VLC play these with no problem. I am running xp and the cam has been flashed when i bought it from Morgan Computers.

This is my first attempt at astro imaging and looks like im off to a bad start, any update to this problem would be greatly appreciated so taht i can enjoy my hobby. Thanks

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Just a thought, i had a similar problem as the captures i made were mpeg files and registax uses avi files. What capture software are you using because i found using sharpcap solved my problem.

Hope this helps but if not hope you find the solution.

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CLASSNOTREG ERROR will stand for class not registered, which probably means that a bit of the code in registax or some common code it relies on has not been registered correctly - basically it wont be able to create an instance of the code it needs to be executed in memory. First off uninstall and re-install, if this doesn't fix it then it gets trickier try installing some updated codec packs and updating any windows components.

It's not always easy to track down the code that hasn't been installed correctly, so good luck.

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No sorry, I've not needed to install codec's for ages, try typing "codec pack" in google and maybe add in your operating system, eg "codec pack xp" or whatever you have. Just be careful and run a virus scan on what you download.

I'd also try a re-install with a fresh download of registax just in case the original download was partly corrupt.

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ok , its all systems go, looks like its been missing some windows components did an update and now its working, thanks for the nudge in the right direction xboxdevil, and thank you to oldfruit too. cheers guys

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