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QHY5 and QGVideo help please

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I'm re-posting this here as I think the title & location of my original post resulted in only a few responses, either that or people are getting fed with with my incessant questioning :)

I've been trying to get my QHY5 focused with out any success. I've got it connected to the 9x50 finder scope that came with my SWE 200P. I bought the T Mount Adapter for Straight Through Finders and the camera from modernastronomy & Bernard has given me a couple of pointers but I simply can't get it to show anything. If I cover the objective QGVideo shows a black image so I guess it's hooked up correctly.

As per the post above, I've tried focusing on the moon and bright stars like Vega as suggested by a few SGL members. In doors, should I be able to get an image of the wall I have it pointing at?

The image below shows the camera connected via the adapter (screwed all the way in, I've also tried backing that out a few mm).

I've tried 500ms exposures all the way up to 8000ms at varying levels of gain.

Any suggestions as to what might be wrong would be very muchly appreciated.


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Just a washed out screen, I reduced the exposure time to try and compensate for that down to 500ms (and lower) and set the gain to 0% but I couldn't get it even close to a focused image of the moon. As for the wall, should I be able to see even a rough defocused image?

As I point it at brighter and dimmer light sources I do see the intensity change but that's all.

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Doesn't sound like it's in focus. The same with the moon to be honest... A lot will depend on how close to focus you are as to whether you'll see a massive blob or a burnt out section of the moon for too long an exposure. As for the wall... it'll depend on whether the finder will focus that close. I've never used a finder like that, I normally use red dot anyway... but my scope wouldn't be able to focus on anything that close. Play with the focus and see what you get.

The moon is probably the best bet though...

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I've gone from fully unscrewed to fully screwed in, I've been doing that in very small increments, maybe an inch or so rotation at a time. When I was trying it the other night I was using an Orion 9x50 right angle finder I have. Tonight I compared that to the SW straight through finder and noted that it's quite a bit shorter. What I have in that picture is the camera connected to the SW body which in turn is connected to the Orion objective (both 9x50) as my SW finder objective lens coating got badly scored one night. I'll preserver with it next clear night if focusing in doors isn't an option. What about trying to focus on a distant object during the day time, should that yield an image?

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M45 through my finderguider.

What do you see when you use QGVideo on that target and what settings would you typically use when focusing? I'm only using QGVideo as modernastronomy suggested it's easier to focus than in PHD.

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So you have a finder scope with another objective screwed onto its objective!!!!

How is the camera mounted. I assumed you have unscrewed the eyepice and used a mounting adaptor from Modern Astronomy or similar.

Here is my arrangement. Note that my camera butts right up to the finder tube and the objective locking ring is removed.

This focuses indoors.


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So you have a finder scope with another objective screwed onto its objective!!!!

No, I'm using the Orion objective in place of the scratched SW one. I too have the camera (connected via T adapter) screwed right in.

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As long as you see the image changing as you point at a bright object and wave your hand in front I'm thinking the camera is working and you are are just out of focus.

I think the setup is designed for the length of a straight through finder body.

I can imagine you wouldn't get focus at all using a shorter right angle finder body.

I assume the focal lenght of both objectives is the same.

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Try pointing at a distant bright object, street light or a lit building, you could also try PHD to focus say setting to 1 sec frames, it can take a bit of patience though until you find the focus point as even a little out you will see nothing.

Thanks, I'll try that. Just to confirm, is one full turn either way enough to go right through focus, i.e. If I use half turns could I still wildly miss it?

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As long as you see the image changing as you point at a bright object and wave your hand in front I'm thinking the camera is working and you are are just out of focus.

I think the setup is designed for the length of a straight through finder body.

I can imagine you wouldn't get focus at all using a shorter right angle finder body.

I assume the focal lenght of both objectives is the same.

I'm beginning to think that the shorter right angled body was the issue when I 1st tried it. I'd assumed that the FL of the two objectives was the same as they are both 9x50. To test it I'll focus the finder in the normal way then change over the EP for the camera. If focus looks ok can I assume that the camera won't have a problem?

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Ahhhhh, you have zero chance of getting it to work decently with a RA finder, I think the camera would need to be miles away from the back of the tube. With a straight through the focal point is near the finder tube end, and the Modern Astronomy adaptor, although a bit pricey, works very well with a SW straight finder.

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I'm pleased to report that the problem was indeed that I was using the Orion right angle finder instead of the straight through. Managed to focus on the moon tonight with little trouble. Next to play with PHD, oh wait, I can't, it's snowing!!! You gotta love this hobby :-)

Again, thanks for the help with this one folks.

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