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Quick mod on 2" extention tube

Maltese Falcon

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Hi guys.

Well I seem to have the modding bug I just can't leave things alone now LOL

When I got my crayford I needed a 2" extension to go with it. Now while its of the same quality as the crayford. The crayford has a slot cut into it for the turn screw on an extension tube or 2" to 1.25" adaptor to fit in so that it sits down on the crayford properly. The 2" extension sadly doesn't so the 1.25" adaptor won't sit down on the tube as it should.

So out with the tools again. I messured the depth of the turn screw on the adaptor and marked a spot on the tube at 90 deg. around from the screw to tighten up and hold whatever is fitted in the tube. I then center punched the mark and drilled it 3mm and then 5mm. Using a razor saw I then cut down from the top of the tube both sides of the 5mm

hole and cleand up the resulting slot with a file. After cleaning up the burrs with a needel file I painted the slot with satin black enammel paint and when dry, refitted the copper compesion ring. Job done total time 30 mins including drying time for the paint. :)






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