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How do I collimate a SW MN190

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From memory, collimate it as a normal newt then do a star test at relatively high power to get it spot on. IIRC, the trick is to get the diffraction rings right both sides of focus, if they're not then it's a little out.

Not on my desktop atm, I'm sure I've got the full method bookmarked on it. I'll sort it out later.


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Tony's outline is the approach I'm using with my Intes mak-newt (that he sold me :D). The Intes has an alloy plug in the centre of the primary so a conventional laser does not work - probably just as well as they aren't to accurate anyway :)

So I'm doing it the old fashioned way, star test on Polaris, adjust, re-centre, star test etc. The good thing is, with the Intes at least, once collimated it tends to stay that way ;)

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