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end of the observing year for me


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I finally got round to packing away my scope in preparation for my move to Holland. The movers come in a couple of days.

I probably won't have my scope out again until next year, so that's it for me. I'm too tired anyway.

Packing away the scope reminded me how excited I was when it arrived. It's only a 102mm Mak, but when it arrived it seemed huge. I was either going to buy a telescope or a new laptop... I made the right choice! :-)

The best sight for me this year was definitely Jupiter, but the Ring Nebula and the Double Cluster were close runners up. But it was a year full of Wow moments (including when I found this forum). How lucky I was to rediscover astronomy this year!

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I've lived in Holland before and I know all about the snow. When I first went there I foolishly thought it was south of the UK and would be warmer! The winters are worse but the summers are nicer.

I'm off to Amstelveen, aka Light Pollution Central. But it shouldn't be an issue for solar system objects. My new garden has an OK view to the south, although the Amselveense Gemeente have decided that is the best spot to put a street light.

I've set myself the project for 2011 to learn the geography of the moon.

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A nice bright part of the planet.:D:D

I was in Hengelo and later Alkmaar.

In the first year there they had the first "cold" spell (-24C) for a number of years which allowed the canels to freeze sufficently to have a race around seveal towns. Over half of the comapny disappeared the day it was on. :):rolleyes:

Enjoy the place. I had some good times there.

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