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For all those with HEQ5 power problems


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My HEQ5 pro had always been a good performer and reasonably reliable once I changed the piece of wet string that Synta supply as a power lead. I changed it for something with a bit more cross section therefore reducing the volt drop from the standard lead.

However, every so often when running on power packs the led lamp would flash during slews, indicative of low volts. This has steadily got worse so much so that sometimes when shifting the handset the lead woul rub against the power lead and trip the mount out on low power. This got steadily worse so I was loathed to even touch the mount / controls for fear of loosing power. The other night it did it 5 times on me so that was the last straw.

Today I cut off the plug at the end of the power lead. Then I opened up the plastic cover over the sockets/power switch and desoldered the power socket from the pc board.

Then, you guessed it, I soldered the lead direct to the board. I fitted a zip clip internally to the cable so it wouldnt pull through the hole and reassembled. Ill fit a proper gromet eventually t tidy it up.

After reassembly I tested it out and great! No flashing led. Rock steady even on battery power. I tested it with a fully loaded off balance mount so it would pull some current on slews and drop the volts and whehey no flashing led even with both motors slewing.

So, if you have problems with a flashing LED on you mount do the following:

Check your power supply.

Check you lead and change it for a thicker one.

Check the plug & socket, try waggling them when the mount is powered up, if the mount drops out due to loss of power then I recommend this fix.


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It always amazes me these mounts all have rather piddly 2.1mm DC jacks rather than supply something like a screw fitted or bayonet jack like an XLR plug or MIL connector. I guess cost rules on these things but a more solid connector would be so good.

I have considered changing mine but on the HEQ5 theres precious little space to fit a bigger power connector.

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The 2.1mm jacks aren't great in damp conditions either. In fact, the only advantage I can see to them is that they will pull out easily if accidentally caught, thereby avoiding serious damage to the jack.


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The power connector on my HEQ5pro went a bit dodgy after a while, cutting out when slewing ect. When checking the conector, the center pin was just wobbling around so I removed the power cover and resoldered the conection. Been fine ever since :D


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