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ATIK 314 Cleaning

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I spent a hour last nigh trying to clean microscopic dust of the glass protecting the CCD, if I hold the ATIK at a very acute angle to a multi LED torch the little blighter show up, all I seem to be able to do is push them about. :)

I suspect they land there when I attach it to the filter wheel, the 'chattering' of the threads drops deposits of micro dust on the glass :)

Any thoughts?


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I agree with olly. I have access to binocular inspection microscopes and high pressure anti-static air guns, and even with these some dust will not shift off the cover glass over the CCD sensor (1000d). I can move them off with the tip of a scalple blade under the microscope view, but this is not for the faint hearted. If it won't shift with a normal camera 'puffer' air duster (The big particles usually do; don't use the duster on the surface, just makes matters worse - just use puffs of air) just leave it and use flats.

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Good advice chaps. I should use flats anyway.

Ive just ordered an EL panel to make a light box... I supose there are so many different glass surfaces in a ccd , filter wheel & telescope.

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