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M45 with old data.


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Hello everyone, I've had a re-try with the old data that I captured early on this year. I've changed the processing in DSS to drizzle X 2. And then tweaked in PS. The data was captured with my Oly E510, SK 80DS Pro on my EQ6 pro mount, guiding was controlled by PHD using a st80 and a QHY5 guide cam. Data properties were 8min exposures 400iso and 1hr 28min of data. Any comments appreciated.



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Nice. If you save the data you can always add more to it, which really helps get the noise down.

I see you have the same orange skies as me :s

The only thing perhaps you could try, when you stretch the data using curves (?), pull down the top section of the curve a little so that it straightens up into the top right corner. That section contains all the colour for the stars, and you maybe be able to get those lovely golden stars to keep their colour a bit.

You may also be able to use the selective colour tool to tweak the background a tad, to try and reduce the orangy effect a bit.

Anyway, nice image, loads of nebulosity showing through, helped by the long subs. Nicely done :)

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