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Skywatcher Skyliner 250px question

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Hello all,

First time posting here, although been reading a lot (such a useful site), I am hoping someone can help me out with a question about this scope.

This is my first "proper" scope and im still getting used to it although I have to say I am impressed so far despite only having had two clear skies since purchase.

I have a question about the tracking system on the scope. At the bottom of the controller are two buttons "Set" and "Go". These buttons are not mentioned anywhere in tha manual (although they do appear in the controller diagrams). They also have "Cruise" written between them (indicating press both buttons together for "Cruise" ).

So my question (which was also posted on another thread, but not answered) is what do these buttons do and what is Cruise?

When I press both buttons together the motors kick in and the scope moves around on both axes to various points in the sky, pauses for a few seconds then moves on again. Once cruise is activatted the only thing that seems to stop it is switching the tracking off. I havent been able to try this under clear skies yet, so not sure what (if anything) it is pointing at, so i'm hoping someone here can shed sone light .

Many thanks for any adivce,


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The same mandset is also used by the Skywatcher Supatrak and Merlin mounts. The handset can store a number of fixed terrestial targets in its memory. Pressing these buttons slews the mount around to one of these points. Useful for terrestial viewing (birding watching etc) but not so good for astronomy.


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