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Oh no.. help/advice required.

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Hey all,

The Celestron Skymaster 15x70 bino's I ordered from FLO arrived today. I briefly tried them out this afternoon and everything seemed a-okay. I used my neighbours television aerials as quick test targets and they came nicely into focus. However, after eagerly awaiting the onset of nightfall, I went back outside and pointed the binoculars towards Jupiter. My excitement was curtailed when I was greeted by what I can only describe as a double, or ghost image?

When I close either my left, or right eye, the problem ceases to exist. Is this a collimation issue?

Thanks in advance.


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Does sound like it. Not sure if they can be adjusted, may have to contact FLO and ask or read the instructions.

Other possibility is that the binoculars don't match your pupil separation. I would however suspect that you have automatically adjusted this by opening/closing the binoculars when held up to your eyes. If however they are closed as possible then it could be this.

Mention this as I have a set that simply cannot be closed enough for my eyes. Must give them away as I cannot use them.

Puzzle it that this would have been apparent when in use looking at the aeriel also.

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Jupiter can be tricky in binos. I know the effect you are describing.

Have you set the distance between the oculars carefully and then followed the procedure for setting the focus for each eye? Start by using only your left eye and focussing with the central main adjuster. Then set the individual focusser for your right eye with your left eye closed.

Finally it my just be that Jupiter defeats you and your bins with both eyes; I have real trouble getting bins to work well on this object myself, even using very costly instruments on occasion. It just seems to be a hard test for some reason.

How do they fare on the stars, for which I find bins much better?


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:( I think I've identified the problem.. It's the el-cheapo tripod adapter that came free with the bino's; It wobbles like a plate of jelly!

I've just tried the bino's handheld, like I used them this afternoon, and Jupiter, along with the stars, are sharp, single points of light.

Sorry for the false alarm chaps. I appreciate you both taking time out to offer me advice.

I wish you both clear skies!


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Mine arrived today, spot on.
Is your tripod adapter up to the job? I've just ordered a metal one in the hope that it will improve stability. The bino's themselves are an absolute steal for 50 notes.
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