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Quick & dirty NGC 6820/6823 in Ha 05/10/10


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A gap in the clouds last night mean that I was able to try out my reducer properly & new Ha filter last night. And given that it wasn't great conditions, and my mount isn't overly well aligned atm, I'm pretty happy with the result. I've actually been waiting to image this for a couple of years now and giving it the widefield(ish!) treatment wasn't my original plan, I think those pillars could do with some close up time :o. I believe 6820 is the cluster and 6823 is the nebulosity surrounding the cluster so it's two for the price of one :). Maybe next year, I'll give this a proper go.

Anyways, NGC 6820/6823. Total imaging time: 1 hr 50 mins (11x10 mins). Taken with an Atik 16hr attached to a WO FFII flattener/reducer with a Baader 2" 7nm Ha filter in the nosepiece through a WO ZS66. Guided by a QHY5, ED80 and PHD sitting on an EQ6. Stacked in DSS and processed on photoshop.



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Cheers guys :o. I think Catanonia had a go at this earlier in the year but this seems to be one of those objects that gets passed over in favour of others (M27 isn't too far away). Shame as I've seen some superbly detailed efforts of this. It's getting past it's prime for me this year but next year I'll give it a proper go at a longer focal length and see what come out.



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