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What is backlash?

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Backlash is where the drive changes direction and nothing happens until all the slack is taken up. An example is where you have a rack and pinion focuser. The pinion isn't touching the rack on both sides of the gear tooth (cog) so you have to move it a bit before anything happens every time you change direction.


Captain Chaos

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I'm not so sure. We tried that. Well, nearly. We used Andrews liver salts 'cos we had no baking soda. She said the bottom was falling out of her world...

Anyway. After the gallon of Andrews the world fell out of... whatever, you get the idea. Backlash you see :)


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Backlash is where the drive changes direction and nothing happens until all the slack is taken up. An example is where you have a rack and pinion focuser. The pinion isn't touching the rack on both sides of the gear tooth (cog) so you have to move it a bit before anything happens every time you change direction.


Captain Chaos

OK. I have experienced that, but never really thought of it as anything but 'how the thing works.' I can't even say if I'm experiencing it with my present focuser or mount.

Thanks, eh?

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