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Bonfire night moon

Kaptain Klevtsov

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:shock: :shock: :shock:

I've never seen so much colour detail on the moon before. That just stunning! It makes it seem so much more of a real and solid object. Wonderful image. A little over-processed i think, but still very impressive


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And here's one (a bit bigger) where I didn't mess up the colours.


So the details:-

300mm f/5.3 hand crafted (home made) Newtonian telescope

Nikon D50 DSLR using a 2" nosepiece and T ring, no filter

100 shots at 1/4000 second ISO1600 (yes I know.. Doh!)

Images stacked in Registax and saved as a 16bit TIFF format file.

Levels and curves adjusted in Photoshop CS2

For the "false" colour image I just went into adjustments and slid the saturation slider all the way over, for the "normal" colour one I did a despeckle and used the Smart Sharpen function.

Note to self - ISO1600 is normal for Astrophotography EXCEPT FOR THE MOON!

Captain Chaos

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