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Is anyone using Ubuntu to image?

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Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone here has been using ubuntu/linux to image. So far Ive managed to get wxastrocapture to work..... but the avi processing appears to be an issue. What software should I use for avi processing?

I thought Id be able to get registax running under WINE and it loads up and appears to run but when I try to open an AVI in registax under WINE I get an error message.

any one any ideas?

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I think I finally figured it out. Im going to post it up here so anyone else who is trying to do this in Ubuntu wont waste the time I have in trying to sort it out.

You can run Registax under WINE. The registax web page says that to get registax to run under WINE you need configure your capture software (im using wxastrocapture) to save your avi in RGB24 format and not YUV420. Changing the format from the default YUV420 to RGB24 did not over come the "decompression/codec failure" issue I was having.

Here is what I found worked:

Leave the avi format at YUV420. After you capture your avi you need to use a piece of software called Virtualdub to open your avi file. When youve got it open you then need to use virtualdub and under the "file" menu select "save old format avi". Resave with a unique name. Then open registax under WINE and hey presto the file opens.

Job done.... well no.... 'cause now you have to learn how to use registax :D

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  • 1 month later...

I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

I use wxastrocapture to capture video.

I have not managed to get the avi into a form that registax can open so I use avidenux to save the avi as separate jpeg images. I then drag them from the file browser onto the registax window.

Any imaging advice with Ubuntu is very gratefully received and if my limited Linux knowledge is of any use to anyone, I will be only to pleased to help. We gnu-heads must stick together!

--- Penguin.

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My main computer runs Ubuntu, and I've spent quite a bit of time over the past year or so trying to work things out for astro work. I recently crumbled and started using a Windows computer for programs like Registax, as I just couldn't find anything as good on Linux, but I've had some luck using mplayer and mencoder to capture video from webcams and other video apparatus, and have also worked out how to use gphoto2 to control my dSLR. I can post details here if anybody wants them.

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  • 1 year later...

Just started in the world of astronomy and getting interested in photographing the moon and what-not, but I've been using Linux for about 5 years now. My preference is Kubuntu (Ubuntu + KDE).

I have Registax running in Wine (their website says it runs fine in Wine) not tried it with AVI's yet though.

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