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Imaging Setup (A) daylight test. Opinions please.


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This Configuration uses:

8" SCT - Meade Electronic Focuser - 2" to SCT Convertor - OAG - TRing - Cannon.

And one image taken, Focus was tricky as the wind was blowing the branches a little.


OAG Eyepiece unable to come to focus, not to worried as i was doing daylight work and no way near infinity

The Illuminated Reticle is not centred I need to align it.


Can I adapt the electronic focuser to be controlled Via USB?

How large is my Frame now as the Camera is some distance further away than it was before, or is that irrelevant as the focus is now just different than before?

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Not familiar with the focusser, so don't know. However, I'm sure a USB controller box could be made, if you have the electronics knowledge.

Focussing with an SCT moves the main mirror coaxially, so that although the position of the focus changes, the absolute value dosen't (well, not much anyway). So I think the field of view coverage will be more or less the same.

Will you not need a focal reducer to give good image focus over the large SLR chip size? With my setup I have a FR and I can focus both the SLR and guide cam in daylight. This is my setup:


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Thanks for the input :D

I have been mooching while observing the drama on another thread :eek:

The Shoestring astronomy Focuser Control will work for me, So thats on my shopping list.

I have not looked into Focal Reducers yet, Ill have to read up and find out more.



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