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Celestron Astromaster 130EQ


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A quick review of my new scope.

I think quite a lot of newbies end up with a similar scope as they can be picked up quite cheaply. After reading round and managing to get a good deal I recently picked up on of these to start stargazing again after a break of 20 years when I first started looking through a 70mm tasco with my Dad.


Equipment: Celestron Astromaster 130EQ f/5 Newtonian Reflector

Eyepieces: 26mm and 10mm Meade 4000 - which I got second hand after reading the supplied eyepieces with the scope were pretty junk.

Viewing Conditions: Clear sky - about 11.30pm.

I hadn't used the scope yet but had it set up ready - was in my study, up with new baby boy (yes bought a scope and have newborn son - viewing opportunities will be limited!)

Notice that bright object out of the window - from previous experience took a good guess that it was jupiter. So thought I would have a quick look - using the scope - through a window - so not ideal!

Used low power eyepiece and firstly pointed at moon to check finder scope and just to look at something easy to check focus and aiming the scope. Was very please with results - clearly making out detail of craters and shadows with both eyepieces.

So pointed scope at Jupiter with 26mm eye piece. Found it and focussed in, was very pleased - saw small disc and 4 moons. Still amazed me after all those years ago, and was reminiscent of seeing through the old Tasco!

Put in the 10mm eye piece and was amazed - clear disc could make out some banding on Jupiter and clearly see four moons.

Think this was great given the viewing conditions at the time - I can't wait to get outside on a night and try it out for real (looking after baby permitting!)

Anyway a few points

1. I had read that the red dot finder on this scope was not much cop - I have found it to be perfectly usable and accurate with a bit of setting up - maybe I just got lucky with mine

2. The tripod is a bit wobbly - but giving it time to settle I was pleased with my views.

3. I am going to try and get a decent 6mm eyepiece now second hand as I think this will give the best views and probably be at the limit of the magnification for this scope.

4. Overall I am pleased with the scope - Im sure of the next few months I and going to see some good sights with it - and probably end up with a urge to upgrade!


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Hello impster. Thanks for the review. I have been looking at this scope along with the skywatcher 130p as potential first purchase.

The Celsestron I have spied is on ebay here


Is this the same one? Have you tried looking at any deep space objects yet?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Impster.

I found that astronomy is a great hobby to get into when you become a dad. Being as you're no longer allowed down the pub that often, hanging out in the back garden definitely becomes a valid use of time!

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