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Advanced GT giving me Jip.

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Hi All. I ventured out last nite for the first time in AGES. Took the kit out early and got everything set up for some viewing, the sky was clearing nicely after a wet day.

Firstly, and not surprisingly, when I went back out everything was pretty wet with dew. Anyway, once it got dark I got the mount polar aligned and proceeded to carry out the auto 3 star alignment. First star, Mizar, was a bit off but got it centred OK. Next star on offer on the handset was Vega. That'll do nicely I thought, hit enter and.....it's going the wrong way! The mount was driving down to the horizon instead of up to Vega. I tried this procedure twice with the same result. So, spent the rest of the evening trying to work out what was wrong and got no viewing done at all. I'm using the GPS accesorry so all the position and time information should be correct. Mount was level.

Any one got any ideas? :)

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Mine did that too the other day, think it was confused.

I didnt get to the bottom of it, I just use 2 star align now and keep a close eye on it when aligning to make sure it doesnt have another funny turn.

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Mine only offers 3 star align, either auto which picks it's own stars, or ....ermm auto, where you pick the stars yourself. I think the 2 star align is a feature of newer units. I was wondering if I could update the software to the 2 star version?

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