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Using Canon EOS Utility


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Im trying to use the Canon Utility with taking pictures, i've worked out the bulb setting and interval but it seems that when using liveview the focus is greyed out. Am i missing a step here, eg. is there a setting on the camera i need to change?

Also is this program any good for pics or is there a better one out there that suits canon dslr?


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hmm ok thanks, i guess i'll have to do it manually, as would like to take them through the scope. It's a bit awkward with my scope as have a skywatcher heritage 130p and the focus is where the eyepieces go in. Just starting out so its all trial and error.

Is there any recommended settings to take pics of dso's? eg. iso 1600

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right i see what you mean as have looked here http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/95620-what-do-i-need-take-pictures-my-skywatcher-130-a.html

it appears i may have to either get a webcam or buy a new scope perhaps as you say the inward travel may not be good enough. haven't tried in the day but ill give it a go.

The scope is on the wooden swivel mount as was just doing some test shots, but have bought a eq3-2 to put it on. Im using a 1.25 ep holder, mount ring and t-adapter although in the above link it talks about using a barlow which perhaps i could do.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I had the same problem ith my skywatcher 130 and found I have to use a barlow lens in order to get focus when attaching the camera body direct to the telescope.

You may also want to thiink about replacing the barlow that came with the scope.


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Hi there - I can also confirm focus difficulty with a SW 130PM. I still have mine and was hoping to use it with my DSLR, but whilst it's true that you can use a barlow to achieve focus with a DSLR, when I spoke to FLO about it, I was advised that the R&P focus tube on the 130PM really isn't up to the task of taking a (heavy) DSLR off-axis, which of course would potentially only be made more of a problem if extending the the camera further away from the OTA...

If you're looking to go down the webcam route, have a look at this thread http://stargazerslounge.com/sale/112573-spc900ncs.html. You'll need to also buy a nosepiece (FLO does them), but that would be a pretty good / cheap way to get into lunar / planetary imaging... You can get some REALLY good lunar mosaics out of them! :)

If you're serious about maybe going for a new OTA for imaging though (on your EQ3-2) you could look at the SW Explorer 150PDS - Their advertising blurb states (for their PDS range) that "the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimise their performance for prime-focus photography". Admittedly it doesn't specifically state whether that's using a DSLR but maybe someone else can confirm this, (or certainly a call to FLO would answer it :hello2:).

Getting back to the main topic though, I too have a 40D, and Astro Photography Tool (APT) works pretty well for me. It makes focus / framing MUCH easier! :blob10:

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