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hi, um im totally new to this i.e space in general but ive been thinking that when a massive star dies like vy canis majoris

it will create a massive explosion and be the brightest thing visible on record. and that it causes immense amounts of energy to create a black hole my question is would this black hole have the enertia to suck smaller suns into its gravitational pull and create a tiny galaxy which would then collide with other tiny galaxies to form smaller galaxies and snowball into larger galaxies like andromeda and the milky way. and out of interest has anyone seen a hypernova or hypernovae thanks :)

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would this black hole have the enertia to suck smaller suns into its gravitational pull and create a tiny galaxy which would then collide with other tiny galaxies to form smaller galaxies and snowball into larger galaxies like andromeda and the milky way.

In short; no...and yes... :)

Unless you are very near it, the gravitational pull of a black hole is no different to the gravitational pull of the star it formed from (in fact it will be less, as some of the mass would be ejected in the supernova explosion). Indeed, if the Sun suddenly became a black hole, it would have no effect on the orbit of the Earth (apart from there being no sunlight anymore), because the mass that the Earth 'sees' would still be the same. So black holes have practically no effect on other stars near-by, and wouldn't change the evolution of a galaxy.

HOWEVER, your idea that small galaxies collide and build up into bigger and bigger galaxies is basically correct; but the process takes many billions of years (and is still going on). The milky way and andromeda will merge in a few billion years time.

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so how does a galaxy form? :) i know andromeda and milky way will collide before the death of our sun giving us front row seats to the galactical ballet, well the earth anyways but i wish i could see it :D . but when we merge to form milkomeda will our galaxy's rotation change to eliptical ? and with all the partical clouds amassing from the collsion birth billions of new stars creating a denser galaxy and due to the proximities of the stars would they be able to create mini galaxies inside our galaxy ?

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Isn't thats the other way around they say the sun half way through its life 4.5 billion years old and the andromeda galaxy 2.5 million light years away but being pulled towards us much slower than the S O L so wouldn't the sun of started to swell and grow in size & destroy mercury & venus and might destroy the earth so NASA needs to start building giant space stations so the human race can live on and move to other planets in the milkyway galaxy

insult me if im wrong :)

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ye definitely just read that apparently during the collision there will be no collsions of stars because of the the immense distance between them but some get flung out into deep space :) but pretty damn cool

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Yeah i think of it like 2 people with a hand full of sand a couple of meters apart and throwing the sand towards each other and the little grains of sand are stars the distances will be huge surely with billlions of stars some of them must collide and make double stars and clusters did you hear of the giant star evicted cluster in the tarantula neb :)

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With the information available I think that the sun going red giant and Andromeda bumping into us is about the same time.

So what you get is some people say Andromeda first some say Sun first.

With what can be predicted and the level of possible error it is about even on which will occur first. But we ain't going to be around to care.

If vy canis majoris went nova yes it would be bright but that again is a factor of distance.

You say "and that it causes immense amounts of energy to create a black hole ". Presume you meant: It would create immense amounts of energy (when it went nova), and what is left would creata a black hole.

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