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A question of size.


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Curiosity has got the better of me, again!, so the question is does aperture have an obvious affect when imaging under our skies.

Let me elaborate (waffle?) a little. All things being equal, camera, mount/guiding capabilities are good etc, so for example would going from an F4 8" scope (Newt for the sake of cost) to a 10" or even 12" F4 make any real difference to the resultant image.

I do understand the FOV will change as will the arc sec/pixel.

Does the UK seeing conditions render the extra aperture to the back burner?

Is the real key just good optics/tracking, reasonable aperture and lots and lots of data.

cheers Pete :rolleyes:

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The more light gathered the better.

IIRC the greater apature allows you to see fainter objects.

In a Dark Site the extra apature will really show its worth, in a light polluted suburb, it will still be better, but how much / cost has to be balanced imo.

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