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HEQ5-Pro doesn't work

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Today is Sunday and on Saturday I purchased a used HEQ5 Pro. I powered it up and the GPS set date, time and position but the motors won't move. I used my cars 12v to power it up, I have tried replugging everything, unplugged the GPS in case it was interferring and loosened the black knobs on either side of the North leg of the tripod. I don't know if there is something in the handset (Ver 3.12) I need to set. I have read the manual backwards and forwards. The message says it can't connect to the Motor Control.Help

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Did it work when it was given to you? Have you tried changing the cable between the handset and mount (I think a cat5 pc ethernet cable should work)? Have you tried a different power supply? Have you plugged the power supply to the mount or the handset(it should go to the mount, not the handset)? Does the red light in the finderscope work? Have you tried updating the handset firmware? Do the motor's work? Have you checked the circuit board in the mount?

I don't know what the local regulations are where you are. Where I live I think the seller has to give you your money back on second hand stuff when it doesn't meet an agreed specification. It all has to be done in writing with a contract of course.

Good luck!

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Power is getting to the mount so that's good. The handsets and their cables are not totally reliable - I have replaced two handsets and one cable in heavy commercial use.

However, if you take off the panel with the the switch gear on it you could check that the wires leading into the motherboard from the motors are in place. This is not a daunting task but be careful not to tug on the wiring once the plate is removed.

You'll sort it.


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You say the hand controller says cannot conect to motor control, so this is either the handset itself, the cable or the mainboard inside.

Check them in the cheapest way poss i.e.

1) Visual check - all leads are connected (as stated above removing the covers is easy and mainboard can be found. look on astro-babys site for a guide)

2) Replace cable

3) Try another handset (borrow one if possible)

4) Try eBay for a motherboard

Good Luck!

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OK heres what I would do.

1/ Leave the GPS off for now and make sure the power supply is running ok. I assume it is. You can test it by plugging just the handset into the power supply and not connecting the mount at all. Press ESC a few times to get to the menus and select 'UTILITY' run through the menus to 'SHOW INFORMATION' and click round the list - one will be 'POWER VOLTAGE' take a look - it should read somewhere near 12V. If it does the power is fine.

2/ Now Plug the handset into the mount and power on. After a few second the mount should go 'beep' indicating all is well with the motor control board (MCB) and the handset should illuminate and show SYNSCAN - FIRMWARE VX.XX

Does it do this ? If the handset shows nothing then Houston - we have a problem.

3/ Does the handset power up at all ? I assume from you initial 'HELP' message its showing something that says 'HC Not COnnected'

That would indicate the cable between the mount and the handset is knacked - it happens lots with the curly cables they come with. Try replacing this with a Cat5 Ethernet cable. (if your near Gatwick I have some spare I can sell you cheap).

That would be my starter look out - my bet is the cable between handset and mount is busted because that happens so often. If not then we have to look deeper and that could indicate something like the MCB is knacked - expensive and nasty - but dont panic yet.

If the handset cable is replaced and you stioll have problems it might be that the handset needs reflashing - I have seen that happen as well where the handset hasnt been used for ages and sometimes just loses the plot.

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