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It really shouldn't be this hard......

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Hi All,

I'm still having loads of probs with my polarscope!

I've used Astro Baby's instructions (v helpful by the way:)) and got the polarscope aligned with the mount. This has taken several attempts and I've finally sorted it tonight! Looking through the recticule I can see the cross-hairs for the ncp and the little circle around it showing the 'orbit' of polaris.....I downloaded 'polarfinder' from 'tininternet' and thought, 'Right, all I have to do is rotate the view in the recticule so that the little circle for polaris matches the 'polarfiner' view on the computer!...Simples....'...Nope!!! How do I rotate the view? Turning the RA index does nothing....Turning the date index does nothing...The only way to rotate the view, it seems, is to unscrew the polarscope from the mount until the little polaris circle moves to the position you want.:)... I this right? Surely, if I do this I lose the alignment of the polarscope with the mount!!!???

......It really shouldn't be this hard:mad:!!!!!

Help please!!!!:D


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Are you saying that if you look through the polarscope and rotate the mount in its RA axis that the polarscope polaris market doesnt move ? If thats so then something is wrong.

The polarscope is screwed down to the RA axis spindle and the whole polarscope should move with the RA motion of the mount as if it were attached to it - which it is or at least should be.

The polarscope isnst linked to the RA setting circles its linked the to RA motion of the mount. ie if you look through the polarscope and polaris is at the top of the view (for example) and you rotate the RA axis of the scope 180' then Polaris will now be at the bottom of the view when you look through the polarscope.

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Cheers AstroBaby,

:iamwithstupid:I think the main problem was that I had had a couple of glasses of wine:o....The polarscope wasn't quite screwed in properly. As a consequence, it was slipping and therefore not turning when I turned the RA axis!

Will now go away and re'align etc....+ hang my head in shame at my own stupidity!!!!

....Maybe next time I should align things BEFORE I hit the booze!!!:D


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