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First ever picture.


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Well, I borrowed the NexImage off of a friend, and even though it was pretty cloudy and not the best night for viewing, I gave it a shot anyways. ;)

I believe that main crater in the image is of the Tycho Crater, am I correct?

Any advice is welcome.


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I tried a few a focally of the moon. ive now got myself a laptop and a webcam (although its the wrong one :S) well and truely got the photography bug.

The moon makes a great target in my opinion.

Once i had taken my photos as im new to all this the proper programs baffled me so i used the standard microsoft photo editor and adjusted the colours etc really sharpened up the pics well worth a go.

hope to see some more of your pics!

Paul ;)

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Sure is Tycho... a very nice result for a first go at this. What are the details on the image ? Number of frames captured, number of frames used ? etc...

It may benefit from a small contrast boost and a sharpen too.. I hope you don't mind... a small play... a gentle S curve and a high pass filter sharpen in GIMP.


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Sure is Tycho... a very nice result for a first go at this. What are the details on the image ? Number of frames captured, number of frames used ? etc...

It may benefit from a small contrast boost and a sharpen too.. I hope you don't mind... a small play... a gentle S curve and a high pass filter sharpen in GIMP.


I don't mind at all! As a matter of fact, thank you! ;) Lol.

As for the details of the image... not exactly sure. I think it was about 1000/1500 or something like that but I'm not sure because I wiped the computer I was using to take pictures with clean.

I've been using a Mac for the past couple of years now, and there is not really much software for astrophotography that's with compatible with Mac so I use my old laptop with Windows Vista on it. Now, no offence to any Windows users but after using Mac's I get really frustrated with how slow Windows computers are (generally), and so I decided I would get rid of Vista and re-install XP on to the computer and in doing so got rid of all files, so I will be starting from a fresh slate so to speak. :)

But for that picture, I didn't download any software off of the internet, just installed the programs that came on the disc in the NexImage box, so it was stacked using like.. Registax 2... lol. I'm really not that familiar with the Registax software, and I'm not 100% sure on what I was doing in it to be honest, lol.

It's been pretty cloudy the past few nights here so I haven't had a chance to attempt any more photo's but hopefully the skies will be clear tonight!

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