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upside down help

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just tried out first scope (130p heritage) and have a couple of newbie questions

- have a 2 times barlow and i cant get it to focus, i found saturn with a 10mm eyepiece and even with the focus srewed all the way down its still a blur.

- i realise about the reflector upside down viewing thing, but is there anyway round this. ive read other posts saying that it doesnt matter that things are upside down- after all its space- but its making locating things such as constellations/ stars etc hard.


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It does take some getting used to. I observe with my laptop beside me and use a program called Cartes du Ceil, but other makes are very similar, I use the flip function to get the sky looking the same as it does through the eyepiece. You can buy maps and charts that are specially designed for newtonains and dobsonians as well.

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