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Lunar vacation?


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I would spend my first two weeks in the Rupes Recta Hilton Tower, overlooking Birt to the east, and the Straight Wall to the west, and would watch Earth go through its phases from New Earth to Full Earth. Then I would take the suborbital shuttle to the Sheraton Yuri Gagarin in the Mare Moscoviensis, and enjoy the crisp views through the domes on the roof, with my rented 6" SCT (with skies like that, who needs a big scope, even though you're looking through 150mm of hardened glass.)

I would also take in the constant floor show featuring girls who have been born on the Moon, and have those incredibly long legs from growing up in 1/6 Earth gravity, and big lungs from breathing low pressure air. (Hey, it's my fantasy! I don't care if this would really happen or not.) :wink:

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