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Mars 9 April - still a gem !!


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Mars still sitting pretty in my 16" last night. An incredible amount of detail seen even though the disc is only 8.6 arc seconds across.

16" x295 Magnification

Seeing: II

CM approx 77 degrees


The NPC is ill-defined and very dim. Hardly visible as a polar cap now. The brightest feature was out on the eastern limb over Chyrse. Much brighter than the NPC.

Just off the NPC was a dark band of material. This darkened on the eastern side - corresponding with Mare Acidalium just rotating off the disc. NIliacus Lacus was very prominent as a dome feature above Acidalium. Also noteworthy is the dark band that stretched across the disc and split into a fork on the western side near the terminator. The contrast between the dark band and the lighter material that occupied the area between it and the NPC collar was quite striking!

Further onto the disc shading was seen extending up the eastern side. Clearings over Tharsis and Amazon basin were made out - although not with any brilliance of cloud features. Just contrast against the darker material.

In the south Aurorare Sinus and Solis Lacus were prominent features. On the souteast limb was a bright area - could be Argyre?

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