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The Black Eye Galaxy


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Sunday 14 March


I was heading into the last hour of my observing session, and just coming down from a high of seeing the M13 globular cluster in my 16" scope for the first time (major wow!). Mars was already under my belt, as were M95 and M96 - all of which I sketched and are in the sketching section. My mind was now on Coma Berenices and the multitude of deep sky treats that live up there.

So which one to go for?? Ummmm....I think M64 the Black Eye Galaxy would be a good end to the night. Into Stellarium and let's see where it is. Found it ;)

I track a line from Arcturus to Denebola and see that I could pick out a lane of faint stars inbetween through southern Coma B. I latched onto 36 Coma B and took a short hop northwards to 35 Coma B in my finder scope.

In goes my 17mm Baader Hyperion EP and find that 35 Coma B is in fact a lovely little double star. After dwelling on the double for a minute or two I track the scope northwestwards and then...

WOW!! There is M64 in all her glory.

And what glory. Instantly I could make out a deep bright stellar-like core truncated by a dark line that curved part way around it. This is the famous dust lane deliniating the eye, and it was easily seen with direct vision - and even more spectacular with averted vision. The disc of the galaxy was large in the EP and really quite bright. There seemed to be more of the disc showing to the north of the core, under the dust lane, than to the south.

Here is my sketched interpretation of what I saw:


Would definately recommend getting your scope on this one. I have seen this with a 150mm scope, and although not comparable with the 16" view, is definately a good sight from a dark sky.

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I have witnessed this galaxy on numerous occasions through my 16" scope and you have captured the details in the dark eye very well indeed. I don't think I have ever seen the dust lanes project out as far as you have seem, so your skies must be alot darker then mine.

Thanks for sharing this great sketch.

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