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HEQ5 aligment and EQmod

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having just aquired a HEQpro mount with EQmod to replace my CG-5GT, I have a few questions regarding star alignment and EQmod. For info, I set up the mount each night, rather than having a fixed pier (very unfortunately).

On the CG5, I found it very quick to do a 1 star align, then slew the scope to 2 or 3 other stars near to the object I wanted to find, then add a one of these as an alignment star and a couple as calib stars, or even replace the original alignment star. This avoided the need to use the limited alignment stars available as any can be used once 1 star aligment is complete.

Moving onto the HEQ5 (ignoring EQmod for now), the alignment process seems to be more limited, allowing only star alignment and not moon or planets. I see there is the option for 1, 2, 3 star alignment and PAE. Could I use 1 star alignment and then PAE for a similar result to using 1 star alignment then adding other aligment stars with the CG5? eg. do a one star align, then go to 2-3 other stars near the object and do PAE on each of them?

With PAE, I notice this can be accessed either through the menu structure (utilities) or by pressing escape for 2secs, I presume this is the same thing. After performing PAE, centering the star and pressing enter, the handset goes back to the main screen immediately. Whereas on the CG5, it took some time to update the alignment, so I'm wondering if adding star by the PAE is doing the same thing. Can many stars be added with PAE to increase the accuracy?

Ok on to EQmod. I've got this working with the HEQ5 and had a old USB rumble pad which works with it too. However I'm left wondering what is EQmod helping with? On the face of it, it just seems like another layer of complication.

With EQmod alignment, am I correct in thinking that I set my mount up in the home position (weights straight down, scope point upwards), then I use something like CDC or the rumble pad to slew it to any star. I then check what that star is against the starmap on CDC, then click on the correct star in CDC and click sync to add it to the points list in EQmod. Then repeat for n other stars. It seems a lot of messing around between rumble pad, laptop CDC, EQmod and the scope to do aligment, whereas with the handset I just stay at the scope with the handset in my hand and do the aligment. Am I missing a trick here?

sorry for the long winded questions, I appreciate any help, comments or advice you can give.

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With EQMOD alignment you:

1. Slew to a star using your planetarium

2. Centre the star in the eyepiece using your rumblepad.

3. Sync on the star from the planetarium or using the rumblepad.

Repeat for as many stars as you want alignment points.

The trick you're missing is that by using the planetarium you can select any star you think is appropriate. You are not restricted to a predefined list. What is more you can add new points to the model at anytime - alignment doesn't have to be something that is performed on start up - you can keep refining it through your observing session simply by adding new points in areas of interest.

As to what else does EQMOD can do for you - see EQMOD FAQs


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Many thanks for your reply Chris. I gave it a try last night as it cleared up around 10pm. I think I could get used to it. It was handy to see the skymap on CDC, identify stars I could see from my garden, click on them to goto them, centre with the rumble pad and click the pad to sync, then just keep adding them as and when, just as you said. I'll stick with it and hopefully it will become second nature.

I've ordered a wireless rumblepad, so that will be another cable gone hopefully. Next thing to do it try it for guiding with Guidemaster as previously I've used the ST-4 connection. Then that's another cable that I can get rid of. Fingers crossed.

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