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Is this close enough?

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I have just cleaned my mirror and for the first time collminated the scope. I have tried for ages to get it dead centre, is this close enough?

I want to image planets and know how important collmination is.



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The secondary appears to be quite a long way out. You seem to have an issue with the focuser tube intruding into the light path too.

There's only one way of really settling matters, a star test in good seeing.

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I agree, you secondary is way out. In any scope that is not ideal and at f5 it's going to really degrade your image.

I don't want to sound patronising, which is pretty easy to do over the internet, but collimation is actually fairly simple if you start at the beginning.

I your case I would recommend undoing everything and doing it from scratch. This is easier than continually trying to correct a miss-aligned mirror

Start with the secondary, and get it centred and ensure you can see it is fully face on to the focuser before doing the primary. Then recheck that the secondary is still correct.

Also rack the focuser all the way out before collimating.

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Thanks for replies,

It turns out that the secondary was fine, the image shows the shadow of the cheshire, the 45 degree insert of the cheshire was not in all the way.

I fitted it in correctly, played with the main mirror and this is my result, with the focuser all the way out.


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