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A chance look up in the sky as I was setting my scope up last night and I see an object the same brightness as Mars about 3 moon widths away. All of a sudden it brightens...really brightness. It reached mag -8 !!! albeit the flare lasted for about 3-4 seconds, but it shone with such intensity, and the light from it shimmered.

Certainly got my attention. A quick check on Heavens Above and it was the 19:42 flare-up of Iridium 3 on its highly inclined passage overhead. Apparently my location was just 1km away from the flare centre. No wonder it looked impressive! :headbang:

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Iridium flares are reflected sunlight from the surfaces of the Iridium communication satellites in orbit. I think there are about 50 or 60 of these satellites all in all...not sure on the numbers. The satellites have 3 polished antenna surfaces at different angles to the main satellite body. A flare is caused when sunlight glints off these angled surfaces and reflects to Earth.

If you're within about 10kms of the path of the reflection you get to see it. The closer you are to its centre the more intense the flare seems to be. With my limited knowledge of this I think that's how it works!!

I have also just read that Mag -8 is about as bright as they get.

I use the Heavens Above website to check passages of these things. Pop in your location and you'll get a whole list of them :headbang:

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-8 is about as good as it gets.

Iridium flares are good for parties. Get a group of people looking at the right bit of sky and you are guaranteed to get ooh's and aah's as people see the flare happen. :headbang:



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