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Leaving outside

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i have a cg5 mount with synscan goto upgrade, i a planning on a more permanent fixing on a pier outside but not in an obs. Is it safe to keep the motors and releted control boards outside all the time. The head would obviousley be covered with a suitable weatherproof cover. Just concerned about an expensive peice of kit being damaged due to temp or dew problems

any advice welcome


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I do not think (low voltage) electronics would suffer that much, but I would be worried about corrosion of the mechanical components due to dew problems. Also, if you have a polar axis finder, it might not stand the build-up of moisture too well (build-up of fungus is a real possibility).

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I have had my complete set-up, scopes, mount, and more recently GOTO handset, outside for the last two-odd years, under a Telegizmo 365 cover. It's seen the blazing heat of the merciless Scottish sun, and the last few months have been the harshest I've ever seen. The other day I lifted the cover (admittedly with some trepidation) to find everything as good as new in perfect working order!

My only problems have been slight rust on some of the metal fittings, and snails! That's been countered by having a polar-aligned ready to use set-up at ambient temperature whenever I feel like it!

Personally I can heartily recommend outside set-ups, with the obvious caveat of thieves (not a problem where I live). A mount should be fine, as they are bolted down and a bit more trouble than it's worth for thieves I imagine. You benefit from polar-alignment, but obviously not for scopes at ambient...


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