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Power supply

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I cannot locate the discussion about power packs & the problems with my Synscan upgrade & the power pack draining & the effects on the mount. Following the discussions, I bought a power supply that converts from 240 to 12v. It shows the power output, which is quite interesting. It looks like the Synscan draws around 1 amp when slewing at full rate in RA or DEC, and 2 amps when slewing in both. The power supply still has plenty of room to go - and doesn't run out or need charging.

I cobbled together a lighter socket with colour-coded wire, and utilised a pair of red and black speaker plugs, which push into the terminals. I used the 3-in-1 adapter from the Bongo to feed off the cigar plug, so I can plug in the HEQ5 & Canon EOS 12v battery adapter, and still have room for (what I am now realising will be) the inevitable dew heater(s).

It works a treat, and not having to worry about the power supply is quite a relief. After an incident with our Jack Russell trying to unplug everything as she dashed through the conservatory door, I realised I now had five wires trailing out from the laptop & power supply into the garden. So, the next day I decided to use the cable ties I picked up in Lidl/Aldi (forget which) a couple of weeks ago and tie the cables together in a loom.

I didn't realise beforehand, but having the cables in a loom makes life much easier. Instead of unravelling several cables, trying to remember which bits of cable relate to which bit, I ended up with five ends on the mount, and two ends that went into the 3-into-1 cigar lighter extender, and three that went into the laptop. On the mount end, it is pretty obvious which goes where. And all the other bits of cable wound up on the shelf - they relate to other bits. I used a velcro tie attach the loom to one of the legs, which prevents them pulling on their housing, and I when I get a couple more USB extension leads, I will attach a clip to the side of the unit I keep stuff in, so that they are all held in place the other end. At the moment they still have a bit of stretch to read the mount - but I think the night I set it all up was the first time I didn't nearly trip over one of the leads. One of the advantages of the 3-into-1 adapter is it has three LEDs, and it sits just between the doorway and mount - giving a visible reminder that that's where the cables are.

I put this here, because I'm not sure whether it counts as a DIY project or not.


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