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A mad idea forming


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I've been thinking :shock: :laugh:

Since this is an eyes free scope wouldnt it be nice

to rig up a way to use the concept as a safe sunspot imager.

Question is how?

I presume that some Baader solar film over the webcam would fry

under the heat of the focused beam....

Wonder if there is some material that would cut the light and reflect the heat?


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You need to put a baader film behind the camera

:oops: Of course you do.... not thinking straight thanks Gordon 8)

Right, I'll make a plywood mask with a 5" hole covered by Baader film

and make it attachable to the front end of the aluminium bar, behind the camera.

Bolt it on for security and Bob's your uncle...

Will get on with that in the morning :laugh:

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A small sidetrack but its interesting...

Whilst I'd got the mad scope stood next to me pointing at the castle flag

I decided to test weather or not the Toucam was any better using the new SPC900

drivers and firmware rather than its 840 normal stuff.

Anyway, using WcRmac, I swopped the firmware from one to the other leaving the

camera set up in exactly the same state focus wise.

Took a couple of small, few second avi's and there is a difference.

There is more detail to be had with the SPC900 firmware and so a worthy upgrade.

If you fancy a look, I've posted the avi's (2.75Mb each one)



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Took the scope outside tonight to give it a test to make sure it would

focus at infinity.

Set up on Vega and cranked up the settings on the Toucam (not yet long exposure modded).

Focus worked fine and the mad scope got its first astro image 8)



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You need to put a baader film behind the camera

:oops: Of course you do.... not thinking straight thanks Gordon 8)

Right, I'll make a plywood mask with a 5" hole covered by Baader film

and make it attachable to the front end of the aluminium bar, behind the camera.

Bolt it on for security and Bob's your uncle...

Will get on with that in the morning :laugh:

Dodgy. Very dodgy. Very VERY dodgy. Do not do it. You know when you shine a light at a mirror it bounces off at the same angle? That will happen to your mirror too. Only you may be next to the scope at the time. You need to totally enclose the mirror wsith the filter on the end to make this safe.


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