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Mars 3rd/4th


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This is not my first image of Mars, but it is the first one with my home-made imaging rig using a CCTV camera & HDD/DVD - and it is the first one that shows some detail of the red planet beyond the polar cap. This was from an appx 1600 frame video recorded to HDD (not sure of frame rate, but at under 2 minutes, appx 15 fps), then transfered to DVD and converted to BMP via VOB Frame Extractor. These were stacked in Registax, auto-selecting the best frames, wavelet enhanced, RGB shift comepsated, gamma curve, brightness & contrast enhanced. Then de-interlaced, tweaked, rotated and cropped in Gimp. This was done using an SPX 200 f/6, HEQ5 (non-pro), 5x Revelation barlow.


I did get an image of Saturn, but TBH it was no better than what I have managed using the EOS 1000D with the EOS Movie Maker hack. However, by the time Saturn was in position, I'd been freezing my butt off for nearly five hours, so probably down to the operator...



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