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Meade LX90 laptop control - options help.

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Hi All. Looking for some help here with a dilemma. Had a new laptop (windows 7) for a couple of months now and thort I wud treat myself for xmas, to some software to run my scope. The ultimate goal TBH, was to track the ISS.

I have purchased the Meade #505 Skychart and software cable from Telescope House.

Attempted a set up yesterday and rather disappointed. My laptop does not have the serial port option RS232 so i am now looking at having to buy an adaptor to cure this issue by turning it into a USB connection. I have been able to plug the current cabling into the "modem" socket of my lappy from the Autostar handset but it dont recognised the scope. I have seen an adaptor at Maplins but wud I need further software for this to work as I have seen the official Meade version on the web, which comes with a software disc. Costs are mounting. :)

My other option is, I think. I've already downloaded Stellarium onto my laptop and I am sure I have seen a thread ( a primer ) on this site explaining how to set up control of my LX90 via Stellarium and a few other required downloads (ASCOM etc). I cannot re locate this. I know I would need a cable to get this up and running. Would I be able to track the ISS via this method. :hello2: The #505 would be returned to TH for a refund.

Looking for advice as to which option to follow. Return the Meade #505 and go via Stellarium or bite the bullet and buy another cable to "finish" the Meade set up.

If anyone has a Third option I am open to these as well.

Trust all have had a good Xmas and hoping 2010 will be a little less cloudy than 2009 for all of us.

Thx in advance as always John

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Be careful in your choice of USB/serial adaptors. I gather that many do not work very well with some bits of kit. The optical link adaptors supplied by astronomiser are very good.

Astronomiser - Automated Astronomy and AstroImaging Solutions

As far as software goes, Cartes du Ceil takes some beating for free planetarium + telescope control.

Sky Charts, Free Astronomy software , Celestial atlas

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